Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 Mar 2013 - High

15lb Clubbells:

10 mins: 30 sec x 5 exercises x 4 rounds (no putting the weights on the floor):
Double Front Swing 30 sec
Double Front Pendulum 30 sec
Double Arm Cast 30 sec
Double Technical Swipe 30 secDouble Swipe 30 sec

10 mins: 30 sec x 5 exercises x 4 rounds (no putting the weights on the floor, 1 hand switch):
1H Side Swing 30 sec
1H Side Pendulum 30 sec
1H Shield Cast 30 sec
1H Technical Mill 30 sec
1H Mill 30 sec

RPE: 9

Comment: Cardio still okay but grip was failing miserably at the end of the Mill components.

Friday, March 29, 2013

29 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Decided to do some intuitive training. Feeling a little bored with the 6 protocols. :P Also i decided that i need to spend a lot more time with the 15s before focusing on the 20s. While 2H exercise have improved in leaps and bounds over the past year, singles and doubles still have a lot to improve on.

15lb Clubbells:

AMRAP 10 mins (no putting the weights on the floor):
Double Front Swing 5
Double Front Pendulum 5
Double Arm Cast 5
Double Technical Swipe 5
Double Swipe 5

AMRAP 10 mins (no putting the weights on the floor, 1 hand switch):
1H Side Swing 5
1H Side Pendulum 5
1H Shield Cast 5
1H Technical Mill 5
1H Mill 5

RPE: 6

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

26 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Clubbell 126 for TBF (protocol 1 modified).

Comment: Back to the drawing board. The previous progression was too "tough" with 4 minutes straight of one movement with 20lb.

With 20lb:

20/10 x 8:
Double Front Swing: 10
Double Front Pendulum: 6
Double Arm Cast: 5
Double Technical Swipe: 4
Double Front Swing: 10
Double Front Pendulum: 6
Double Arm Cast: 3
Double Technical Swipe: 4

20/10 x 8:
1H Side Swing: 9R
1H Side Pendulum: 7R
1H Shield Cast: 7R
1H Technical Mill: 4R
1H Side Swing: 9L
1H Side Pendulum: 8L
1H Shield Cast: 7L
1H Technical Mill: 4L

20/10 x 8:
1H Side Swing: 9R
1H Side Pendulum: 7R
1H Shield Cast: 7R
1H Technical Mill: 4R
1H Side Swing: 8L
1H Side Pendulum: 8L
1H Shield Cast: 7L
1H Technical Mill: 4L

20/10 x 8:
Double Front Swing: 10
Double Front Pendulum: 6
Double Arm Cast: 5
Double Technical Swipe: 4
Double Front Swing: 10
Double Front Pendulum: 6
Double Arm Cast: 5
Double Technical Swipe: 4

RPE: 6.5

Saturday, March 23, 2013

23 Mar 2013 - High

CB 126 for TBF (protocol 2).

Double Front Pendulum 2x20lb: 62
Double Technical Swipe 2x20lb: 29
1H Side Pendulum 20lb: 36/40
1H Technical Mill 20lb: 19/22

1H Mill 20lb (1 min/1 min): 23/23
1H Mill 15lb (8 min switch hands every minute): 28/min
RPE: 9

Comment: Wickedly hard on the grip: technical swipe and technical mill.

Friday, March 22, 2013

22 Mar 2013 - Moderate

CB 126 for TBF (protocol 2).

Double Front Pendulum 2x15lb: 64
Double Technical Swipe 2x15lb: 40
1H Side Pendulum 15lb: 40/43
1H Technical Mill 15lb: 26/26

RPE: 6

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

19 Mar 2013 - Moderate

CB 126 for TBF (protocol 2).

Double Front Pendulum 2x15lb: 60
Double Technical Swipe 2x15lb: 38
1H Side Pendulum 15lb: 40/41
1H Technical Mill 15lb: 26/26

RPE: 6

Saturday, March 16, 2013

16 Mar 2013 - High

Clubbell 126 for TBF (protocol 1).

Double Front Swing 2x20lb: 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9
Double Arm Cast 2x20lb: 8 6 5 5 5 5 6 6
1H Side Swing 20lb: 7R 7L 7R 8L 8R 7L 8R 7L
1H Shield Cast 20lb: 9R 10L 10R 10L 10R 10L 10R 10L
RPE: 8.5

Comment: the doubles are hard but the singles are not so hard.

15 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Clubbell 126 for TBF (protocol 1).

Double Front Swing 2x15lb: 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10
Double Arm Cast 2x15lb: 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7
1H Side Swing 15lb: 9R 9L 9R 9L 9R 9L 9R 9L
1H Shield Cast 15lb: 8R 8L 8R 8L 8R 8L 8R 8L

RPE: 6

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

12 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Clubbell 126 for TBF (protocol 1).

Intro: i have just created a 6 step progression using the 6 TACFIT protocols to end in the full Trial By Fire at Protocol 6.

Double Front Swing 2x15lb: 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10
Double Arm Cast 2x15lb: 7 5 5 4 5 6 6 6
1H Side Swing 15lb: 9R 9L 9R 9L 9R 9L 9R 9L
1H Shield Cast 15lb: 8R 8L 8R 8L 8R 8L 8R 8L

RPE: 6

Friday, March 8, 2013

8 Mar 2013 - Moderate

AMRAP 20 mins, switch hands every round:

Side Semi Swing 5R/5L
Side Semi Pendulum 5R/5L
Clockwork Squat 5R/5L
Alternating Shield Cast 5F/5R
Mill 5F/5R

Score: 8 rounds

RPE: 6.5

Comment: AMRAP is really better for swinging movements. Much volume can be done.

7 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Experimenting with Clubbell only programming and only on the feet.

EMOTM, switch hands every round.
Continuous Shoulder Squat (all R, then all L)
Shield Cast
Technical Mill
First 4 rounds 3/3, round 5 onwards 2/2

Score: 20

RPE: 6.5

Comment: swinging movements are not a good idea for EMOTM, too much time taken for the swings.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stimulate the Range of Motion

Don't let anyone (especially the government in this case or fitness equipment sellers or gym owners) fool you into thinking that you need expensive equipment for physical training. What is important here is that you stimulate the range of motion of the target movement. The type of equipment matter less.

The time is more important than the technique, the technique is more important than the tool. - Scott Sonnon, Creator of Circular Strength Training

Another Day at the PIT

Saturday, March 2, 2013

2 Mar 2013 - High

Primal Stress Protocol 6 (modified).

10 rounds of:
Cossack Warrior 5/5
Push Up Side Plank 5/5
Jump Tuck Squat 5
2H Alternating Shield Cast 35lb 5

Time: 17 min 34 sec

RPE: 9

Comment: The directive of "you can complete in any order strategy" makes the limiting factor more of conditioning rather than local muscular endurance. :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Random Thoughts: Training Considerations for Developed vs Developing Countries

So i have been in Philippines many times within the past few years. One thing that strikes me is the environment is very different compared to Singapore where i am based in. Therefore training must be modified to suit the environment, regardless of equipment. This also applies to other developing countries in the region, like Indonesia etc.

Hereafter "developed" means Singapore, "developing" means the developing countries that i have been too. These are just broad generalizations and does not mean that every place is like what i have described.

Outdoor Public Space

Developed: Much relatively clean and well maintained public areas like parks, playgrounds and sports facilities.

-> Can train almost anywhere, even rolling in public areas will not get your clothes too dirty. I like training in outdoor public space in Singapore because it is relatively clean. Easy.

Developing: Almost none clean public areas. Everywhere that is outdoors is poorly or not maintained. Covered with dust or dirt, particularly black dust in the built up areas. Natural environments like empty plots of land can have much unwanted items like sharp objects, trash etc. Even the air is also much polluted with smoke and exhaust fumes. Outdoor sports facilities are available but few and expected to be dusty also. Clean natural environments could be far and not so easily accessible. Parks may be clean but that depends on how well maintained it is.

-> You could train anywhere but in consideration for my hygiene, i would not be rolling on these outdoor areas. Even putting my hands on the ground (eg push up) is also not likely. The only training i would do would be training on my feet. Even then, no barefoot training. Period.

Indoor Private Space

Can be relatively spacious or cramped in both cases depending on the owner of the property. However more houses i have visited in developing countries are more cramped than those in developed countries, especially from the poorer families. Almost every inch of available space could be taken up by necessities and no permanent space for recreation like physical play/training.

-> Both are on par. Space can be tight but can be done. Rolling on the ground is not optimal. Training on your feet is much more likely to be feasible.

Outdoor Private Space

Can be relatively clean or dirty depending on the use of the space and how well maintained it is by the owner of the property. However in developing countries it may be always dustier than developed countries because of air pollution.

-> Both are on par. Rolling on the ground can be done depending on how clean the area is. Training on your feet is much more likely to be feasible.


In developed countries, if i can get outdoors, i would get outdoors to train. Rolling yes. Training on feet yes.

In developing countries, if i can stay indoors, i would stay indoors to train. Rolling maybe. Training on feet yes.

1 Mar 2013 - Moderate

Primal Stress Protocol 6 (modified).

Cossack Warrior 4 min: 22/22
Jump Tuck Squat 4 min: 28
Press Side Plank 4 min: 14/14
2H Alternating Shield Cast 25lb: 32/32

RPE: 6

26 Feb 2013 - Moderate

TACFIT Pillars

(40 x 6 +1 ) x 4
Basic Push Up
Forward Lunge
Cossack Lunge
Backward Lunge
Chinese Squat
Bear Squat

RPE: 6

23 Feb 2013 - High

TACFIT Pillars

(40 x 6 + 1) x 4
T Press
Lunge Jump Switch
Cossack Warrior
Airborne Lunge
Beak Kick

RPE: 9

22 Feb 2013 - Moderate

TACFIT Pillars

(40 x 6 +1 ) x 4
Basic Push Up
Forward Lunge
Cossack Lunge
Backward Lunge
Chinese Squat
Bear Squat

RPE: 7