Thursday, May 3, 2012

TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm Review

Hello again with another product review. For the same reason, i am writing this review because i would likely use the TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm (TFFA) in my training some time.


TFFA is contains 1 strength program (or 7 depending on how you see it, more on that below), to be done on the Moderate Day and 7 metabolic conditioning programs, to be done on the High Day.

The metabolic conditioning programs comprise of Protocol 1 to 6 and one test program using the Every Minute on the Minute Protocol (Protocol 3).

TFFA requires the use of 1 kettlebell, 1 Clubbell, a pull up bar, and a plyo box.

If you could compare this program with other prior programs in the TACFIT system, it is like a compact version of the original TACFIT 26. And since this program is so similar to TACFIT 26, i would often make comparisons between them.

The Metabolic Conditioning Protocols Carried Over From TACFIT 26

For the benefit of those who do not have TACFIT 26, here are the Protocols in brief.

Protocol 1: ((20/10 x 8) + 1) x 4
4 exercises.
Do a 20 second round for the first exercise. Recover for 10 seconds. Do 8 rounds.
Rest 1 minute between exercises. Repeat for all exercises.

Protocol 2: 4/1 x 4
4 exercises.
Complete 1 round of 4 continuous minutes for each exercise. Rest 1 minute between exercises.

Protocol 3: Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM)
3 exercises, various number of repetitions each.
Complete 1 round every minute. Repeat for 20 minutes.

Protocol 4: As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP)
4 exercises, various number of repetitions each.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Protocol 5: (90/30 x 5) x 2
5 exercises.
Do a 90 second round for each exercise. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for all exercises. Repeat for round 2 for all exercises.

Protocol 6: For Time
4 exercises, various number of repetitions each.
Complete 1 round as fast as possible.

New Protocols in TFFA

Protocol 7: Every Minute on the Minute (Test)
3 exercises, various number of repetitions each.
Complete 1 round every minute. Repeat for 20 minutes.

The Strength Protocols: Time Under Tension
6 exercises, 20 sec or 30 sec or 40 sec per exercise.
Go through all exercises in a circuit without rest. Rest 1 minute. Complete 6 rounds.

The strength protocols vary depending on which metabolic conditioning protocol is used the next day.

When you do Protocol 1 and 2 on High, you would do 20 seconds per exercise on Moderate.
When you do Protocol 3, 4 and 7 on High, you would do 30 seconds per exercise on Moderate.
When you do Protocol 5 and 6 on High, you would do 40 seconds per exercise on Moderate.

What i like about TFFA

If you have done TACFIT 26, this program can be likened to a compact version of it. So if you feel that completing 26 programs is a long time (like me), it is less of a mental drag to complete 7 programs.

The strength protocol gives you more variety than if you did the same program twice in a row for Moderate and High. And in my experience, i would get Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) more often doing the same program twice in a row, especially for Protocol 3, 4 and 6. Doing two different programs on Moderate and High would decrease the likelihood of developing DOMS.

Rings are not required in this program. I always dread adjusting the rings in TACFIT 26 for different heights, especially as i don't have a pull up bar at home so i have to use the rings both for Pull Ups and Rows.

All single equipment required, ie single Clubbell, single kettlebell. No Double Swipes as in TACFIT 26. Not that i hate Swipes, but for coaching purposes, Double Swipes are not one thing i would like beginners to do because of the high skill required, even with a light weight.

Warm up and cool down programs are included with every program. Also included are No Intensity Day and Low Intensity Day programs. The original TACFIT 26 only have 1 warm up and cool down program so it may not be as effective.

All of the weighted exercises can be substituted with a kettlebell (or Clubbell, with a little bit more program design knowledge), which is good news if you already have one. In TACFIT 26, there were some Clubbell exercises which do not have a direct substitute using other equipment, eg the Swipe. Equipment susbtitution examples are also presented in the DVD included. This is good especially if you are new to CST and TACFIT and worry that you have to have all equipment to use this program.

Short and concise instructions. This is good especially if you are new to CST and TACFIT and are not familiar with the exercises. The original TACFIT 26 only have demos of the exercises and not instructions so this is a big step forward.

What i don't really like about TFFA

There are less total number of exercises in TFFA compared to TACFIT 26. So if you are looking for a "program maximum", this is not as maximum as TACFIT 26.

The exercise instructions are short and concise. This can be seen as both good and bad. The good i already mentioned above. The bad is there could be more details in the exercise techniques that could be coached, like what is done in the other standalone programs like TACFIT Commando which would not be apparent to beginners in CST and TACFIT. One example would be maintaining Shoulder Pack in the Pull Up, which are featured in almost every metabolic conditioning protocol in TFFA.

Overall i am very impressed with TFFA much like TACFIT 26. Thanks to the folks at Bellingham Fire Department for this great program.

Click here to purchase TFFA:

Click here to check out the new generation of TACFIT 26.

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