Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Skills of a Master

Let me ask you, in sports, how do you identify a more experienced person from a less experienced one? For me it is by how easy the person makes difficult skills seem like.

Skills that seem to defy the laws of physics yet done over and over again by the person, without breaking a sweat. That is the mark of mastery to me.

It is not making a skill look harder than it should, looking as if you exert a lot of effort and doing it over and over.

The better your skills are, the more efficient you would be, the less energy you use, the less effort you exert.

Two persons may be doing the same skills but one has a better quality than the other.

Have you mastered your basic movements? I am talking about Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): running, jumping, squatting, lifting, pushing, pulling etc. This is not sport, this is not martial art, this is life. Movement is life. Once you cease to move you are dying.

When you study the structure of our bodies, it is very obvious that we are made for movement. Are you moving?

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