How to lose fat is actually very simple, in five words: eat less and exercise more.
Saying these words is easy. Doing it is the tough part.
Let me give you some tips:
To eat less, just eat proper food. If you eat properly, your body knows when it is full. And if you eat enough of these, you would not crave for the so called "junk" food. Very simply, these food have more bulk (volume and/or fibre) for the same amount of calories as junk food, so it takes more digestive powers to process these foods. So you would feel full longer. And they are nutrient rich, i.e. rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants.
Junk food on the other hand have more calories for the same bulk as proper food. So you may be eating more calories than you should without knowing it. They are also deficient in nutrients, so the body still craves the stuff that it needs even after eating a lot of these. I don't even consider junk food as food.
Examples of proper food are:
-Unrefined complex carbohydrates (there is controversy regarding this but that's another story)
-Proteins e.g. red meat, chicken, fish, egg etc.
These are good food that the media has been telling you to avoid but actually good for you, mainly with regards to cholesterol, fat and saturated fat.
-Coconut, coconut oil, coconut milk
-Red meat
-Animal fat, animal skin
But fat, saturated fat and cholesterol are not harmful to the body. Definitely not as harmful as the ingredients listed below.The way the food is prepared is also important. You would not want to eat food prepared like these often:
-High heat processing, e.g. deep fried, barbecued, roasted, hydrogenated, partially-hydrogenated, pasteurized (and homogenised) etc.
These are food ingredients and food that contain a lot of them that you should avoid:
-Refined sugar, e.g. cakes, sweets, ice cream, desserts, soft drinks, jellies, chocolate, jam
-Refined carbohydrates, e.g. flour, noodles, white bread
-Transfat, e.g. margarine, vegetable shortening, cakes, pastries, fast food, deep fried food etc.
-Excessive salt (sodium), e.g. salted, canned and preserved food
-Unfermented soy, e.g. soy milk, tofu
If you see ingredients that you can't pronounce or don't know its identity, don't eat, like:
-Sodium caseinate and other names of MSG
-Artificial flavouring, sweetener, colouring
And lastly, beware of labels claiming to be "health" food, like:
-Zero, reduced or low fat. They usually have a lot of sugar.
-Zero, reduced or low sugar. They usually have artifical sweetener.
-Zero, reduced or low cholesterol. Cholesterol is not harmful. Redundant info.
-The food pyramid label. They usually promote the above three.
This is just a basic guide on how i eat. There are a lot more detailed ones out there. I hope you have benefitted from this article. Any questions, please feel free to ask me.