Thursday, September 23, 2010

So You Think You Have to Train Three Times A Week

Alright folks, the original 4x7 template may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who revolve their lives around the 7 day cycle.

So does that mean that you can go back to the conventional 3 times a week microcycle? One day on one day off, two days on one day off etc.? So you have to keep weekends free? And many other concerns?

Do not fret. Here are two official variations from the classic 4x7 model: the 7x4.

Version 1

Day 1: No Intensity
Day 2: Low Intensity
Day 3: Moderate Intensity
Day 4: No Intensity
Day 5: Low Intensity
Day 6: Moderate Intensity
Day 7: High Intensity

Version 2

Day 1: No Intensity
Day 2: No Intensity
Day 3: Low Intensity
Day 4: Low Intensity
Day 5: Moderate Intensity
Day 6: Moderate Intensity
Day 7: High Intensity

The definition of No, Low, Mod and High can be found in my previous post.

Repeat the 7 day cycle 4 times for a total of 28 days.

Using these variations, you can keep the microcycle the same every week. If you need to keep your weekends free, just put Saturday or Sunday as No or Low, depending on which version you are using.

Again, if you are asking why they are scheduled like this, it is to ensure that you have enough recovery before doing any High Intensity training. Each day in the cycle serves a purpose and therefore they are placed in this order.

Have fun with your training.

If you need me to structure a 7x4 cycle for you, please do not hesitate to visit my website or email me at

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