Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What are the Recommended Programs for a Beginner in CST

Updated 2 May 2013

So are you a beginner to fitness or a beginner to the world of Circular Strength Training? Don't know where to start? Hopefully this guide would get you going.

I'll classify the options available for you according to the fitness hierarchy:

1) Health
2) Mobility
3) Function
4) Attributes
5) Physique

Please note that i recommend mostly electronic (ie downloadable) products because it is much easier on the logistics from the buyer (YOU) point of view. No shipping cost, instant downloads, unlimited access to download page are the pros of e-products versus DVDs or books.

Health & Mobility

These two points really come together. The method of pain relief we use in CST is movement, aka mobility. The best program in this category is none other than Intu-Flow. Now available in a convenient downloadable format in the Ageless Mobility Package.
It is the most comprehensive joint mobility program and system i have ever come across. And it doesn't need you to have a background in anatomy to use it. It is an intuitive system, as suggested by the name "Intu".

Mobility & Function

Programs from the second ring of Prasara Bodyflow Yoga would be best for these purposes. Note that mobility is a function and mobility is not restricted to isolated joint movements but also refers to whole body movement.

Dedicated programs available currently are Prasara Primer and Prasara A Flows.


What is functional training? Simple. aAnything that you do to improve you in your chosen activity, whatever that may be.

However here we are refering to normal and common human movements (functional training for life), not specific sporting or athletic activities. Things like squatting, lunging, lifting, swinging, throwing etc. Even before you look at functional training for sports, you need to be able to be functional for life.

Training to be functional for life makes you functional for sport. But the reverse may not be true.

Every program in CST is functional, therefore it is redundant for me to list out all the programs under this point.


Attribute training basically refers to strength & conditioning. Strength refers to ability to produce force. Conditioning refers to the ability to sustain repeated effort.

Many people say they want to be strong. Yet a lot of them have no idea what they want to be strong in.

To be strong overall is to be a jack of all trades. You cannot be strong in everything at the same time.

To be really strong, i mean really strong in something needs specific training. Who is stronger, a gymnast or a breakdancer? A boxer or a wrestler? A weightlifter or a powerlifter? You can argue until the cows come home and there is really no one answer to this.

If you are just starting out and have no idea what your weaknesses are and what you want to be strong in, the currently best available program to delve into would be the TACFIT 26. This has the widest variety of protocols, exercises and tools so far. The biggest back for your buck.

Yes, TACFIT 26 is a conditioning program with a lot of "light" exercises. Light here means lighter than conventional barbell exercises, but not that light, using up to 32kg kettlebell and 45lb Clubbell. You would not build maximal strength with TACFIT 26 but more of using your current level of strength in unconventional ranges of motion.


Every program in CST has some effects on fat loss and muscle gain. Actually any training you do has an effect on your physique, it is just a matter of degrees. Some programs may produce more of a fat burning effect than others and vice versa.

For fat loss, some programs you can start with would be those that use the Tabata ProtocolPrimal Stress program, included with the TACFIT 26 package is ideal for this goal.

If you just like to purchase Primal Stress on its own, go here:

For muscle gain, to me the conventional approach to mass gain with "To be strong, lift heavy. To get big, lift heavy a lot of times" with basic barbell exercises a la Starting Strength makes more sense if you disregard the 6 degrees of freedom.


Note that i do not have all the programs from CST. However i have enough programs and have done enough of them to have an informed opinion to recommend you what to do. And i am biased toward TACFIT. I love the simplicity of the protocols in TACFIT. This does not mean that the rest are not as good. They are. All programs from CST are some of the best and most innovative fitness programs out there. Also note that they are fitness programs, not sport specific programs. The only sport TACFIT is designed for is fighting. However that does not mean that it won't help you in other sport.


Anonymous said...


Great Stuff.

I've got and am working on
Intu-Flow level 2
Flow-Fit level 1
Ageless Mobility

I also have Tacfit Warrior, but am holding off on starting it until I'm more comfortable with Flowfit, as I had some problems doing the warmups and Prasara from TFW when I first tried it.

I was wondering if you thought it was worthwile to get the Prasara Primer as a substitute for Ageless Mobility, especially as I have very tight hips. I'm having real trouble with the Scorpion and Spinal Twist in the Ageless Mobility floor section.

Thanks for the Blog and the help.


Herman Chauw said...

Peter, i don't think Prasara Primer can substitute for Ageless Mobility. They are very different from each other. But yes, you can do Prasara Primer for your tight hips. And actually i would recommend it as it has the different levels.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the quick and helpful reply. I was trying to use the floor program from Ageless Mobility to get ready for TW, but it sounds like Prasara Primer is the way to go, because of the different levels.

Thanks again.


Herman Chauw said...

Your welcome Peter.

Anonymous said...

herman, what do you think of TF KB Spetsnaz?

Herman Chauw said...

I would recommend you to have some kettlebell lifting background to go through it safely, technique wise. In particular the Grip Confirmation for supporting the kettlebell in Rack Position.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to bother you again, but I can't seem to get my registration activated on the RMAX forums.

I finally started doing Tacfit Warrior at the Lite Mission level. I'm now able to do the warmups and cooldowns with minimal modification, and I can do all of the Lite exercises without too much discomfort with one exception.

When i try to do the situp/knee-lift, I get really painful spasms in my upper belly (between the ribcage below the sternum)and in my ribcage when I do the up portion of the situp. When I do the knee-lifts, my hips are making a significant clunking noise (no pain) when I extend them back out.

Thoughts on how to proceed?



Herman Chauw said...

Peter, check for trigger points in those areas you mentioned. Release and stretch those tissues.

Anonymous said...


Any thoughts on the recent "Primal Stress" program for beginners to CST?



Herman Chauw said...

Primal Stress is i would say the best program available to date on bodyweight training. Comparable to TACFIT 26 on weighted and unweighted movements. Best as in most complete in terms of the breadth and depth of program design.