Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bodyweight Exercise Revolution Review

Bodyweight Exercise Revolution (BER) was released in 2008, so this review is late. :P

I bought BER after two years from when it was released, hesitating whether to buy or not. In 2008 i had just spend a few hundred bucks on my first Circular Strength Training (CST) certification and was not interested to spend much more money on CST. Also i was concentrating on Kettlebell Sport so i did not take much interest in BER.

I only wrote this recently as i realized that this program is selling very well even though i do not promote it much.


BER is essentially a collection of bodyweight training programs for various fitness goals. It contains 7 chapters:

Chapters 1 & 2 contain the theory behind the programming: 4x7 and Intuitive Training Protocols.

Chapter 3 is a program for fat loss.

Chapter 4 is a program for hypertrophy.

Chapter 5 is a program for strength.

Chapter 6 is a program for general athleticism.

Chapter 7 is a program for longevity.

Program Design

As expected from CST programs, the programs are based around the 4x7 formula. Most of the programs have a different workout for Moderate and High days.

This type of programming was first published in the original 4x7 DVD.


Cycle 1-4 Moderate: Workout A
Cycle 1-4 High: Workout B
Cycle 5-7 Moderate & High: Workout C

The idea is to compress the work as you progress and peak toward the 7th cycle.

Of course, Intu-flow warm ups and Prasara cool downs are included with the package.


It was the first of it's kind - a downloadable product with downloadable videos - that i bought. Prior i had bought some ebooks like Andrey Kuzmin's Kettlebell Sport book, but none as big as this.

Unlike the more recent TACFIT programs, the videos are to be downloaded from links in the manual directly.

What i like about BER

I like the fact that it has various programs for different fitness goals. Particularly as it presents different training protocols (eg Drop Sets, Super Slow Eccentrics etc.). In effect this collection can be used as an educational tool to introduce you to effective physical training.

Also, most if not all of these protocols are usually discussed in the context of weight training. Applying them to bodyweight exercise is something different and refreshing.

BER (and CST in general) is not about more reps or more weight, but also better quality. So you are presented with various levels of exercise sophistication. It's not about endless reps of push ups or sit ups. Also the exercises are unconventional and can get you moving much better than if you just do conventional exercises.

It is all plug and play. The 4x7 wave if tied to the exercises seamlessly. The programs tells you exactly what to do every day of the 28 days cycle.

What i don't really like about BER

After taking up CST, the exercises are not new. The exercises and some variations are already present in Flowfit prior to this and other CST programs. And coming from a Capoeira background, these exercises are really not new. But that is just me. If you are conventionally trained, you will find these exercises new and challenging.

The video download links are not easy to find in the manual. I literally wondered for some time if there were videos at all included in the package. The links are not presented in bold font or made obvious.

There is no 7x4 option presented to the user. As most people are working around a 7x4 cycle, i think this should be an important option to use the program.

Click here to get your copy of BER:

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