Monday, October 4, 2010

What is Circular Strength Training

Circular Strength Training (CST) is a health-first fitness system.

A system can be defined as:
1) An organized set of interrelated ideas or principles.
2) An organized and coordinated method; a procedure.

Therefore it is not just a program, neither a collection of programs, but a way of looking at things, a different perspective and application of the science of physical performance and human movement as a whole.

CST is a movement art, as contra to sports science or exercise physiology.
Science defines, art applies.
Science is definitive, art is elusive.
Science defines, art challenges.
Science is black or white, art is colourful.
Science says "yes" or "no", art says "maybe".
Science asks "why", art asks "why not".
Science is easily understood, art is often misunderstood.

Our fitness hierarchy is:

1) Health - being pain-free.

2) Mobility - the ability to move freely in all directions and in complex patterns.

3) Function - the ability to do normal human movements efficiently and effectively, ie run, squat, jump, lift, throw etc.

4) Attributes - "fitness" qualities like strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance etc.

5) Physique - how the body looks.

CST consist of three integrated "rings" of:

1) Joint mobility - the ability of the joints to move freely in full range of motion in various patterns and  directions.

2) Bodyweight agility and coordination, aka Prasara Bodyflow Yoga - the ability of the body to move freely in full range of motion in various shapes, patterns and directions.

3) Athletic weight lifting and swinging, including Clubbell swinging - the ability to wield an external object in full range of motion in various patterns and directions.

Refer to for the full story of CST.

And a concise definition of the system here:

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